This web site is a secure area: all data you provide us is encrypted through a secure protocol, called SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This industry standard ensures that no one except you and Genactis is able to read the information that we are exchanging.
Our identity and our SSL protocol are guaranteed by Verisign, the leading provider of trusted infrastructure services to Web sites.
Privacy Rules & Compliance with Laws
Genactis is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information for any purpose other than those disclosed in our Privacy statement.
All your personal information gathered on this site is for the sole use of Genactis Health Panel Ltd and Genactis Group Ltd. Panel members might also receive invitations to participate in studies which are scripted, hosted and analysed by third-parties (namely, other Primary Market Research agencies). Genactis will not disclose the identity of the respondents, nor be sharing any data collected from its panel.
Genactis strictly complies to the laws and the strongest rules about privacy and good practices: